
!Welcome! (site under construction)


Where are we?
When we are?
Where will we be?
In the future
Which is uncertain
And covered by fog.

Here you will see a fragment of me,
a little of everything I do perhaps.
or just my virtual persona.
I do not know for sure.

About me

I like to think I'm a dreamer, perhaps a virtual bohemian.
I do a little bit of everything, I'm not great at anything, just mediocre.
Mediocre is a word that describes me well.

I am a great admirer of nights, the moon, clouds and stars.
I am a designer student, programming and
computing/electronics student.

I'm an artist and a writer, but I'm not very good at it, I write for fun.
I'm from Brazil, so my native language is not English, so there
may be some grammatical errors, and I apologize for that.

I do a lot of other things, but I think it's unnecessary to detail everything here. You can see more of what I do in the galery.

my social networks

Space hey




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